Cultures of Latin Wedding ReceptionExplained

The lively tradition of Latinos is just one of the numerous things that make their weddings so unique. When planning for a bride, it is essential to incorporate various customs that respect the bride and groom’s heritage. This means making sure that the woman’s service and welcome are infused with the best of their culture, according to Chicago-based Latino ceremony channel Dj Persist. In this article, he dissects 4 of the most well-liked reception customs that are frequently observed at Latino celebrations.

One customary practice is the “lazo” tradition. During this portion of the ceremony, the groom encircles the couple with a golden or studded string, either in the form of lassos or dual rosaries. Then it is entwined to create a sizable ring, or eight, which represents all of time. These strings are generally given to the couple by los padrinos or godparents.

Las reims matrimoniales, also known as the marriage coins, is another custom. These, which typically consist of 13 currencies depicting Jesus and his 12 Apostles meet cuban women, are given to the wife by her padrinos. They are intended to ensure the newlyweds’ wedding is successful financially and with great fortune.

It is also typical for couples to place their sneakers underneath the couple’s dress during the reception. This is a way to predict who will wed the couple after them! It’s a fun way to make the large day of the bride and groom special for people present. Naturally, food and beverages are a necessity for any Latin wedding. At the reception, expect to see Alcapurrias ( fried fritters made of green plantains ) and roasted pork with rice and beans. Pina Coladas and mojitos are frequently served as well!


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